Sunday 21 July 2024

The Happiest Moment

 Recently I visited Nepal with my family in the summer holidays. The whole trip was so wonderful and mindblowing. But if someone asked me what the happiest thing in the entire trip would be, it would be the dinner at Pokhara on 31 May. 

That time we ordered some Indian food and were waiting. Meanwhile, my mumma started some random funny gossip and was telling my dad. My papa without knowing whom she was gossiping about, started listening carefully and was smiling. Their smiles made me smile. Parents are really cute for real. It really made me admire them both. That moment will really stay in my heart.


Wednesday 10 January 2024

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

To the real Jonathan Seagull, who lives within us all.

This book is written by “Richard Bach” and photographed by “Russell Munson”." Richard Bach is the author of 13 books and a former fighter pilot, gypsy barnstormer, and airplane mechanic. He still flies a seaplane today."

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a young gull who loves flying higher and higher. He struggles to fit in with his flock, whereas the other birds are only concerned with finding food. He attempts to fly faster than his fellow gulls and his own parents pressure him to conform. In his desire to fly faster and higher, Jonathan leaves his flock.

He tries practicing higher and higher, from 2000 feet high to 8000 and above. From flying slowly to a speed of 270 miles per hour.

These lines touched my heart, the seagull says, “I am a seagull. I am limited by my nature. if I meant to learn so much about flying, id have charts for brains. If I were meant to fly at speed, I would have a falcon’s short wings, and live on mice instead of fish.”

Generally, seagulls do not fly at night, but Jon proved it. when he showed his flying skills to his flock, none open their eyes to see it. It hurt him badly

Later one day his two brothers saw him flying and realized that he wasn’t an ordinary seagull. He was unique.

This fable beautifully tells us how to get determined towards our goal even if have to go against the norms of our flocks and keep practicing hard.

Friday 11 August 2023

Achieve Success And Happiness

"A book of boundless optimism, and joyful living; designed to make your life truly meaningful". 

This book can not change the world; It can only change you. And it did. This book talks about the following two key aspects :
  • What is the secret of success?
  • How to find happiness in even small things?
Arthur Pereira is well known for his go-getting approach to life's opportunities and is a firm believer that none can help you more than you can! He is the author of several best-selling books including "Success in 30 Days" which has sold over 1,00,000 copies.

This is one of the best books I have read till now. There are times when we feel low and demotivated. And this book gives thought to motivation in such times. The way the author conveys the messages through poems or stories is amazing. sometimes a lecture doesn't help to understand things that can easily be conveyed through stories.

I like the following part of the poem "Two Ways to Live" in the book. 

There are two ways to live. 
One begins with restraint 
and ends in fulfillment.

The other starts with a lust for pleasure,
and ends in dissatisfaction, weariness of life, 
disappointment, and every kind of neurosis.

I liked the story "Whenever I'm Disappointed..." which is as below :

"Whenever I'm disappointed with my spot in my life, stop and think about little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in a school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen.

On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. 'Guess what Mum,' he shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to me forever: I've been chosen to clap and cheer!'"

How mature this boy was. How he found happiness in small things is amazing.

At last, "The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts."

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Vintage Theme Project

This is one of the history projects I made with a vintage theme. Vintage theme projects look very attractive and are easy to make. 


 How to make vintage paper at home? 

  • Brush the paper with a paste of coffee and water
  • Cut the sides in a way that makes it look uneven
  • Slightly burn those sides 
  • Tear some brown paper and paste it 
  • Add some torn pieces of newspaper or magazines 
  • Add some aesthetic paper tape and u can draw some designs (optional)
  • You can also add some jute thread along with beads and give a border of black paint 

Tuesday 25 July 2023

The Time Machine

The Time Machine is a science fiction book written by H.G. Wells. It was published in 1895 about 125 years old but still today it feels so interesting and fresh.
The Time Machine is one of the first science fiction novels to explore the concept of time travel in a serious and thought-provoking way. The novel's vision of a future world divided into two distinct species is still relevant today, as we are increasingly seeing the rise of inequality and social division in our own world. The Time Machine is a cautionary tale about the dangers of technology, and it warns us of the potential consequences of using technology without considering the ethical implications. 

The story follows a nameless Time Traveller who tells his experiences of traveling to the year 802,701. He invented a vehicle or the machine through which we traveled in the future.

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Canvas Painting


Shree Radha Rani

A canvas is a strong, tightly woven fabric that is used for a variety of purposes, including painting, making sails, and tents. It is typically made from cotton, linen, or hemp, and it is available in a variety of weights and weaves.

Canvas Painting is something I love to do and make it whenever there is a vacation. it requires patience and is time-consuming. These were the two canvases that I made recently. It cost me from 500-1000. It took me not more than a month to complete it simultaneously with my studies.

The steps to make a canvas are-
  • Color Print the picture of your painting
  • Draw grids on both the picture and canvas
  • Start drawings with the help of grids
  • Color with acrylic and poster paints
  • You can outline with the help of marker

Lastly, Spending time on Canvas painting is a fun and creative time pass. With a little practice, you can create beautiful and lasting paintings that will add a touch to your room.

Saturday 17 June 2023

I’m ok – You’re ok

This book is written by “Thomas Harris.” He is the founder and president of the Institute for transactional analysis. This practical guide to transactional analysis is a unique approach to our problems. 

A problem is a problem; it is neither small nor big. The capability to handle the problems is a great thing. Thousands of people have found this phenomenal breakthrough in psychotherapy a turning point in their life.

The major topic talked about in this book is the relationship between “Parent – Adult – Child.” For every teenage child, their parents are their biggest enemies. The same was with me in my high school years. And this topic made me try to understand my parents.

This book became a turning point in my life. I started to live a happy life. This does not mean that I was not happy but l started to complain less. I started to understand the feelings and emotions behind someone’s words and phrases.

I am forever grateful for this book.

Not only it expanded my understanding and my own research on human behavior, but it also helped me understand myself much better. In many ways, it cured me and upgraded me and even though it was never intended that way.

The Happiest Moment

 Recently I visited Nepal with my family in the summer holidays. The whole trip was so wonderful and mindblowing. But if someone asked me wh...