Wednesday 10 January 2024

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

To the real Jonathan Seagull, who lives within us all.

This book is written by “Richard Bach” and photographed by “Russell Munson”." Richard Bach is the author of 13 books and a former fighter pilot, gypsy barnstormer, and airplane mechanic. He still flies a seaplane today."

Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a young gull who loves flying higher and higher. He struggles to fit in with his flock, whereas the other birds are only concerned with finding food. He attempts to fly faster than his fellow gulls and his own parents pressure him to conform. In his desire to fly faster and higher, Jonathan leaves his flock.

He tries practicing higher and higher, from 2000 feet high to 8000 and above. From flying slowly to a speed of 270 miles per hour.

These lines touched my heart, the seagull says, “I am a seagull. I am limited by my nature. if I meant to learn so much about flying, id have charts for brains. If I were meant to fly at speed, I would have a falcon’s short wings, and live on mice instead of fish.”

Generally, seagulls do not fly at night, but Jon proved it. when he showed his flying skills to his flock, none open their eyes to see it. It hurt him badly

Later one day his two brothers saw him flying and realized that he wasn’t an ordinary seagull. He was unique.

This fable beautifully tells us how to get determined towards our goal even if have to go against the norms of our flocks and keep practicing hard.


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